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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Discussion Paper - Developing High Quality Learning that Promotes Student Progress

Discussion Paper - Developing High Quality Learning that Promotes Student Progress

I wrote this paper to present to my staff, after focusing on its content during a series of staff training sessions. The paper outlines some key points that focus on developing high quality teaching that promotes high levels of learning for students of all abilities. The resource focuses on: Key Principles to consider for developing High Quality Learning and Achievement An introduction to the PAR Model - Present/Apply/Review Discussion points on Effective Feedback Developing a Blame Free Environment for Learning Developing Peer and Self-Assessment The staff training that aligned to this paper was delivered over the course of two terms and was a key objective on our School Development Plan.
IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

IBP - Individual Behaviour Plan

The I.B.P. is an in-depth document for recording and tracking student behaviour. It is a supportive document that collates a range of evidence on the student and identifies a range of strategies and interventions to support improvements. This is an individually designed IBP that has been used alongside other Pastoral Support Programmes and which has been used to help provide evidence in both EHCP Review meetings and PEP’s.
Using Appropriate Language when Managing Student Behaviour

Using Appropriate Language when Managing Student Behaviour

Are you training your new staff in the basics of Behaviour Management or are you reinforcing appropriate expectations for Managing Behaviour in a whole staff training session? Are you reflecting upon your own Behaviour Management and feel your responses to students could be improved upon or are you a new teacher looking for tips and advice regarding using appropriate language in the classroom? If so, this resource is perfect for you. This excellent training/reflective document identifies an extensive list of possible ways students could disrupt learning in the classroom, alongside some less than helpful responses by the teacher…the document then identifies a more appropriate response that helps the teacher to manage the situation more successfully. The resource identifies more than 20 different scenario’s alongside an opportunity to have ago at some answers for yourself.
Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

Anti Bullying initiatives - Writing an Anti Bullying Policy/Bullying initiatives/Citizenship

This resource includes a model 'Anti-bullying Policy, in addition to an in-depth evidence form for recording bullying incidents. In addition, I have added a couple of initiatives that were introduced in my Centre…A bullying levels programme that can be incorporated into any Behaviour Policy/Anti-bullying Policy and an appropriate letter that can form as a template to shape any bullying letters that need to be sent home to parents. In addition to these excellent resources I have also included a Bullying Contract that can be used with students who are habitual bullies in your provision. All have been proven working documents in a PRU.
Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Becoming a Peer Mentor - Peer Mentor Pack for Students

Do you have Peer mentors or Peer Mediators in your school…If not, then why not? Peer Mentors can offer another layer of support for your Pastoral System in any educational setting; You will find that if the Mentors/Mediators become embedded as part of your Pastoral System, then other students will generally respond very well to them. If students are trained correctly and they are given the responsibility and trust to work with younger students they can become an invaluable team in your school. This support pack offers guidance and advice for your Mentors/Mediators as they move forward in their role; it gives advice on how to run a meeting, it identifies key questions to ask and key words to use alongside tips on problem solving. I wrote this resource once I had trained up the Mentors in my Centre and they commented it gave them useful support in their role.
Interview Questions - Questions and Desired Responses for School Jobs

Interview Questions - Questions and Desired Responses for School Jobs

Are you involved in organising interviews and need a range of appropriate questions for the candidates - then look no further. This extensive resource provides a range of questions and desired responses for a number of different roles in schools… Senior Leaders/AHT Pastoral Roles including Learning Coach/Behaviour Coach Vocational teachers LSA/HLTA/Lead TA role School Council questions I have also added an additional 'General Questions and Desired Responses resource that will provide appropriate questions for a diverse number of job roles in a school environment.
Setting up a School Council

Setting up a School Council

This resource contains some useful ideas for setting up your Student Council/Parliament alongside a PSHE/Tutor lesson activity designed to support student understanding of the kind of qualities that are required of Council Members. It also contains two templates, including a meeting agenda template and a voting slip.
Learning Log - Evidence of Learning Booklet

Learning Log - Evidence of Learning Booklet

I am presently working with a student who regularly struggles to engage, therefore any evidence of his learning is important. I have compiled an evidence folder to help collate his work, but in addition I have designed this log to record any learning he may achieve and if possible to support the recording of his thoughts and opinions regarding his work; the evidence log may indeed be completed by his key worker. A useful resource to record evidence of work especially for those students who are struggling to engage at all.
Parent Survey

Parent Survey

Two Surveys attached that can be adapted and used by any provision: a. A General purpose survey that asks parents questions about the quality of education their child is receiving. b. A Survey that specifically asks questions about the quality of communication between the School and its Parents/Carers ( I designed this one for use in my PRU where a weekly snapshot report was sent home to parents)
FTE/Isolation Student Reflection Form

FTE/Isolation Student Reflection Form

When students are in isolation or have been excluded they need time to reflect upon their actions/behaviour. When a student returns from FTE they should have time after the Return from Exclusion Meeting, to discuss their behaviour with a key adult - this form provides the student with a number of questions to help their reflection. If a student is sent to isolation, there could be an expectation that they complete this reflection form before returning to mainstream lessons - its a resource that can be used in many ways.
Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Tracking Part-time Timetable Provision. Student Pathway Sheet

Pastoral Leaders use Part time provision for exceptional circumstances often where there is a complete breakdown in school discipline or where the reduced provision will benefit the health and wellbeing of the student. Such provision needs tracking and auditing; this resource provides you with a visual week by week tracker that identifies student targets and incentives during the reduced provision, that can be used as ongoing evidence for the review process at the end of the agreed time. This exemplar tracker is set up for a 4 week Programme but it can be adapted to suit student needs - the document can be referred to when staff need to discuss behaviour and the targets with the student. I also include a recording sheet with this resource.
SEN - Behaviour Plan/Tracker

SEN - Behaviour Plan/Tracker

An excellent resource for all those staff needing to track, monitor and trigger support for student behaviour; a useful resource that works alongside other SEN documentation as part of any action planning processes - this documents forms an evidence base over time of actions taken and the appropriate support that has been implemented. I have added the Inclusion Support Plan as an additional resource with this package - both documents would work together.
Teaching Students with Asperger Syndrome

Teaching Students with Asperger Syndrome

Do you teach a student with Asperger’s? This one page quick reference guide will give you some tips on how to manage the student in the classroom and how best to try and engage them
Educational Trip Planner

Educational Trip Planner

Although the number of school trips presently taking place is much reduced, the ‘Trip Planner’ will provide the ideal companion for your school staff who wish to organise a future trip. It outlines all of the expectations for organising a school trip in a chronological manner.
Assembly Planner and Thought for the Day - Whole Year model

Assembly Planner and Thought for the Day - Whole Year model

This is a Year Planner for Assembly Themes (Highlighted in Red on a Monday) and Thought for the Day (For each day during the school year). Although this is one I wrote for the last school year (Dates on Calendar will be for 2019/2020) it will still provide some creative ideas for assembly themes and thoughts for the day that can be further developed by your tutors or teachers of PSHE. It is all perfectly laid out on a calendar style template.
Re-establishing student Behaviour and Boundaries for September 2020

Re-establishing student Behaviour and Boundaries for September 2020

Clear advice and guidance to help all teachers re-establish an effective learning environment; this resource identifies key action points for developing effective behaviour management alongside other whole school issues that will support successful student transition back into the classroom.
Behaviour Risk Assessment

Behaviour Risk Assessment

A Behaviour Risk Assessment that can be used for targeted students in any provision, but more especially in Special Education and Pupil Referral Units. A clear and precise template to identify risk and associated interventions that support targeted students.
Reset Behaviour Management (updated)- Managing Behaviour in September and Beyond

Reset Behaviour Management (updated)- Managing Behaviour in September and Beyond

I have written the attached guidance in an attempt to support teachers in managing behaviour as more students return in September, many of whom may have remained out of school for months and may find settling back at school problematic. This guidance may be shaped by ongoing health and safety considerations and the Back to School Guidance published on July 3rd, but what it does, is offer a range of tips and strategies to use that may support you and your students into a smoother transition. I would welcome any feedback on this document so that I can adapt and improve it for the many teachers who will need to manage their classrooms with students who may have fallen out of routine.
Data Analysis - Collating and Presenting Key Student Data

Data Analysis - Collating and Presenting Key Student Data

Data analysis forms an integral role for almost every teacher. In particular, Senior Leaders will use student data of all kinds across the school to inform actions for whole school development planning. This resource consists of an in-depth whole school data collection sheet which identifies succinctly the kind of evidence school leaders should be collating. Alongside this is a very helpful template that outlines how your data could be presented; this can be used by HOY who needs to present an end of term/year analysis, an Assistant Head accountable for attendance and behaviour across the school or indeed a Head of Centre or Headteacher who needs to present a well structured analysis of whole school data for governors, for example.